"After Working With Robin For One Year, My Company Grew From $100,000 To $250,000 – And Today We're In Easy Reach Of $1 Million!"
"When Trinity Networx was founded in 2008, we didn't have a marketing plan and all clients were obtained through 'word of mouth.' This worked great for a while, and I thought we were doing the right thing to build the business, but as time went on, I realized that relying solely on word-of-mouth advertising would not deliver the strong, continuous growth I wanted, nor was it a good way to get the high-profile clients I wanted.
When I look back on my business just a few short years ago, it's hard to fathom the impact Robin's company has had. Essentially, I felt like I was drowning. I was a floundering $100,000-per-year, one-man band just scratching to get by, relying solely on sporadic referrals that came in to keep me afloat. Thanks to Robin, I've now got $1.1 million in managed recurring revenue over the next 36 months with real marketing systems and processes in place to continue that growth. I'm getting larger clients as well, which is allowing me to invest in hiring new technicians, sales and marketing staff so I can start building the business. Today, I pay myself a consistent salary instead of grabbing money out of the business bank account when I need some. Now I have a R.E.A.L. business!"
– Lance Reichenberger, Trinity Networx